Previous Adventures for "John The Typical Marine"
2014: He commutes to work via unicycle
On 26 SEP 2014, I UNICYCLED to work from Virginia to the District of Columbia (DC) and back.
This personal round-trip was 54 miles through heavy traffic within the Northern Virginia / DC metropolis and went past many famous sights along the National Mall.
Notes on the Video:
1. This 5-minute video includes a unicycle road trip around the National Mall in DC and its attractions such as the Lincoln Memorial, Washington Monument, and White House.
2. The camera was simply my Microsoft Lumia 810 cellphone that I held in my hand.
3. This is essentially a documentary and all content came from the 1-day event in the order presented, with these exceptions:
      a. The beginning/ending audio from my dear wife & son were added later.
      b. The map and text are custom.
      c. The beginning image was repeated at the end to wrap up the video.
2013 and Earlier Adventures
These are being compliled.